Using Search Console BigQuery data with NLP to extract and group by the most important topics
With the recent update to Google Search Console (GSC) allowing exports to BigQuery we can now leverage some power features of BigQuery to do text processing and extract topics from our search queries with a simple JavaScript UDF.
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Create your own API from BigQuery data in minutes with SQL exports and Cloudflare Workers
Want to have data from BigQuery publicly available? Create a simple API with BigQuery scheduled queries, JSON exports and a Cloudflare Worker to map the right URL to the right data.
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Tf-Idf in Google Sheets: implementing text analysis, keyword counting, tokenisation and stemming in a spreadsheet
Google Sheets, the online Excel alternative, is basically the Swiss army knife of any modern knowledge worker. We're adding to it's multitude of uses and abuses today by creating a custom Tf-Idf model _in_ Google Sheets. A Tf-Idf model can help us digest large quantities of text like reviews, comments, feedback, chat histories, and even 17th century philosophy books with ease.
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